Provision Mobile Food Pantry
We have been in dismay as the Covid-19 crisis has ravished our community. Not only in the alarming amount of deaths and illnesses but also in the growth rate of unemployment, domestic violence, lack of food, heightened depression and other emotional illnesses are all results of this most difficult time. While much of the world has stopped, our mission of building and securing families and communities will not be placed on pause. Our Community Advancement Programs (CAP) has partnered with the White HouseĀ“s National Farmers to Family Initiative. This program has been slated to provide free food, vegetables, meat, diary, fruit, and dry goods into thousands of cities throughout the country. CAP has been chosen as the Point of Distribution Site for Alabama. In an effort, to supplement hunger-relief, Provision Mobile Food Pantry Program directly serves anyone who desires to receive food. Through Provision Mobile Food Pantry, a 53-foot truckload of food is distributed several days each week to recipients in pre-packed boxes. We are delighted, that we are able, to provide free food for over 22,000 families a month.
Copyright 2018 Community Advancement Programs.